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Full Dentures

Full dentures

What are full dentures?

Full dentures all also called complete dentures. Full dentures can be upper complete dentures or low complete dentures. It can be made for both upper and lower complete dentures as well.  Full dentures are used for replacing all missing teeth and surrounding soft tissues and hard bone. Well made full dentures can restore your looking, help you eat and smile confidently. 

Types of full dentures

There are mainly two types of full dentures. 

Acrylic base full dentures - these kind of dentures are made of acrylic base and acrylic denture teeth.

Cast metal base full dentures or stainless steel full dentures----- they are made of metal base, acrylic flange and acrylic teeth.

Advantages of these two type of full dentures

Acrylic base full dentures can be easily relined in the future if the underlying tissue shrinked or resorbed. The colour of acrylic is similar to gum colour. 

Cast metal base full dentures or stainless steel full dentures are very strong and nearly impossible to break. Metal dentures are also very thin. 

Are you looking to get a new set of full dentures in Sydney? Please phone us on 02 9687 6268 now!  High quality Full dentures offered at Bob Song Denture Clinic Parramatta, Sydney. We can make well fitting, highly comfortable, and good-looking full dentures for you. You can confidently smile, speak and eat with your new full dentures.