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Replacement Dentures

Replacement Dentures


Not happy with your existing dentures? Do you have one or more of these following denture problems? There may be better denture options, designs to replace your unhappy existing dentures. Phone us on 02 9687 6268 or book online to find out. Get high quality replacement dentures at Bob Song Denture Clinic in Parramatta to solve your dentures problems. 


Some patients may just get new dentures made recently; others might already have had dentures for many years. Why do you need a replacement Denture? Let us look at the following common dentures problems first.


Common dentures problems


Loose dentures


·      Please click Loose Dentures to find the common scenarios. 



Difficulty chewing

·       Cannot chew the food properly

·       Inability to eat with your dentures


Pain, discomfort or difficult speaking

·       Pain when you eat with dentures

·       Discomfort when you eat

·       Often biting cheek and tongue

·       Nausea when wearing dentures

·       Altered speech

·       Dentures too thick, too big


Dentures, denture tooth broken

·       Frequent broken dentures or denture teeth

·       Denture tooth, teeth frequently falling off

·       Dentures are too old

·       Denture teeth worn a lot



Denture teeth too high or too low

·       Clicking of teeth when you talk

·       Want to bite further when you eat

·       Muscle tiredness or sore when you eat

·       Always feeling the denture teeth are too high

·       Lack of power when biting down with dentures



Denture looking, other problems

·       Not happy with denture teeth shape, colour, position. 

·       Lot of teeth extracted 

·       Tooth denture lost

·       Often put your dentures in the drawer, your pocket.

·       Do not want to wear your existing dentures at all.



When do you need to get a replacement denture?


If you have any of above denture problems, it is time to get replacement dentures now. Please phone us 02 9687 6268 today for an appointment at Bob Song Denture Clinic in Parramatta.


Benefits of our high-quality replacement dentures 

·       Not Loose

·       Do not need use denture adhesive

·       Fit well

·       Looks good

·       Confidently Smile

·       Eat food properly

·       No more pain when eat

·       Good for your supporting ridge

·       Less stress to remaining teeth

·       Improve your general health and quality of life by eating comfortably and feeling confidently with our high quality dentures.


During your first visit at our denture clinic

·    Bob will firstly take the medical and denture history of you and assess the problems of your existing dentures and your oral conditions. 

·       After that, he will explain the treatment planning and denture options to you. 

·       Finally, the dental practitioner will tell you whether he can make new successful dentures for you. 

·       Highly professional, friendly and caring dental team with lot of experience solves your denture problems with replacement dentures!